Legal and international aspects of the application of a derogation clause in the American system of human rights protection, with particular emphasis on the issue of derogations of children's rights

Małgorzata Andrzejczak-Świątek, dr

Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie


Issues of the scope and positive obligations for States Parties of the American Convention on Human Rights against the background of the derogation clause contained in its art. 27 for several reasons is extremely important for a proper understanding of the nature of the institution of derogation. First of all, the "American" derogation clause differs in its content from similar clauses appearing in other treaties of international human rights protection, therefore it is important to analyze the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the context of individual complaints regarding the application of derogatory measures.

The key issue raised in this article is the aspect of derogation of children's rights in the American system of human rights protection. The American Convention on Human Rights refers directly to the protection of children's rights and family rights in an emergency situation. In addition, the interpretation made by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights allows us to draw in this matter interesting proposals in the field of guarantees for children in extraordinary situations, often different from interpretations made in the course of considering similar complaints by the European Court of Human Rights.


derogation, children's rights, human rights, extraordinary situation, interamerican system of the protection of human rights

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Cited by

Andrzejczak-Świątek, M. (2019). Legal and international aspects of the application of a derogation clause in the American system of human rights protection, with particular emphasis on the issue of derogations of children’s rights. Polski Rocznik Praw Człowieka I Prawa Humanitarnego, (9), 5–20.

Małgorzata Andrzejczak-Świątek, dr 
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie