Rights of prisoners in the newest judgements of the European Court of Human Rights against Poland

Ewa Dawidziuk, dr

Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich

Marcin Mazur

Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich


The authors present in the article the newest judgements of the European Court of Human Rights which refer to Poland and present important issues from the perspective of human rights such as strip searches of prisoners, regime for dangerous detainees, the necessity to provide full separation of sanitary facilities from the living space of the cell and the problem of having  money at prisoner’s disposal especially those provided at the moment of getting out of a prison. The authors are the employees of the Polish Ombudsman Office so they indicate the activities of the Commissioner for Human Rights Defender taking into account the indicated judgements.


prisoner, strip searches, regime for dangerous detainees, right to intimacy, sanitary facilities, prisoner’s finances

M. A. Nowicki, Komentarz do art. 3 Konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności, LEX, 2015,

M. Mazur, Warunki sanitarne w celi więziennej a prawo do prywatności, Glosa 2017, Nr 2;


Cited by

Dawidziuk, E., & Mazur, M. (2019). Rights of prisoners in the newest judgements of the European Court of Human Rights against Poland. Polski Rocznik Praw Człowieka I Prawa Humanitarnego, (9), 37–58. https://doi.org/10.31648/prpc.3698

Ewa Dawidziuk, dr 
Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich
Marcin Mazur 
Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich