Krzysztof Kozłowski, dr

Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Jagielloński


This article aims at analyzing the right to diplomatic and consular protection in the context of the standard resulting from international law. It tries to give a definition of this institution, pointing to its public and subsidiary nature. It also points out that diplomatic and consular assistance is carried out in a situation of conflict between the interests of the individual and the country of origin, and that of the host country. The article also discusses the subject and subject matter of consular and diplomatic care.

                Moreover, the study comments on the specific features of this right from the point of view of the complexity and effectiveness of the protection of rights at the international level. In this context it was pointed out that the right to diplomatic and consular protection is not a classic right, but can be considered as an instrument for the operation of other rights or freedoms. The right to consular and diplomatic care is devoid of homogeneous regulation, but also depends on the legal standard of care offered by the home state and must be within the limits set by the host country. The scope of its application may be related to any legal event that may occur when the entity is in a situation of contact with the legal system of the receiving state.

                The discussions under consideration highlighted the subsidiarity of the right to diplomatic and consular assistance for the exercise by the individual of his or her rights and freedoms. However, There is no complete protection standard in this respect, which is conducive to the lack of exhaustive regulation at the convention level, which, in extreme cases, can jeopardize the exercise by the individual of his or her subjective rights, that is to ensure its adequate protection standard in the territory of the host country.


right to diplomatic and consular protection, citizenship, citizenship of the European Union, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

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Cited by

Kozłowski, K. (2019). RIGHT TO DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR PROTECTION - A CONTRIBUTION TO CONSIDERATIONS IN THE LIGHT OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS. Polski Rocznik Praw Człowieka I Prawa Humanitarnego, (9), 143–162. https://doi.org/10.31648/prpc.3763

Krzysztof Kozłowski, dr 
Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytet Jagielloński