Chosen aspects of combatting terrorism and the right to a fair trial

Magdalena Matusiak-Frącczak

Uniwersytet Łódzki


Terrorism is nowadays one of the biggest threats to international peace and security. Nevertheless, its combatting must be compatible with the requirements of human rights protection, including the right to a fair trial. First the article discusses procedural guarantees of suspects of terrorist crimes in criminal proceedings. Then the article deliberates the aspects of judicial control of targeted sanctions. The next part will constitute the exploration of the legal professional privilege in the discussed area. Finally, the article will discuss the judicial control of targeted killing. The aim of the article is to prove that actually the right to a fair trial and the procedural guarantees enshrined therein constitute a guarantee to other human rights.


terrorism, right to a fair trial, human rights, procedural guarantees, targeted sanctions, legal professional privilege, targeted killing

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Cited by

Matusiak-Frącczak, M. (2019). Chosen aspects of combatting terrorism and the right to a fair trial. Polski Rocznik Praw Człowieka I Prawa Humanitarnego, (9), 163–179.

Magdalena Matusiak-Frącczak 
Uniwersytet Łódzki