Published: 2024-08-311

The themes of sickness and suffering in the preaching and teaching of Marceli Dziewulski OFMConv

Patrycja Mierzyńska
Echa Przeszłości


Marceli Dziewulski, a Conventual Franciscan who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, left behind numerous sermons. Among the many topics addressed in Dziewulski’s teachings, special emphasis should be placed on his views on diseases, both those that affected single individuals and those that, due to their infectious nature, affected entire communities. The author of the sermons referred not only to epidemics on the territory of Poland, but also to those that occurred in other countries. He also mentioned various cases of healing. His message, according to the preacher's discourse, was intended to moralize and draw the attention of the faithful to the quality of their earthly lives. Life-threatening situations, including illness, were conducive to reflection on such eschatological issues. One of Dziewulski's most popular sermons was entitled Prezerwatywa od powietrza morowego (Protection against the plague).


Marceli Dziewulski, 18th c., sermon, sickness, death

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Mierzyńska, P. (2024). The themes of sickness and suffering in the preaching and teaching of Marceli Dziewulski OFMConv. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 109–133.

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