Published: 2024-08-311

Polish emigrants in Portugal after the failure of the November Uprising. What Collections on the Great Emigration can be found in the Arquivo Histórico Militar in Lisbon?

Ewelina Tarkowska
Echa Przeszłości


General Józef Bem’s and Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski’s plan to establish a Polish Legion in Portugal torn apart by a civil war in 1833 has attracted the interest of researchers ever since. Previous research has been limited almost exclusively to the analysis of materials collected by Polish institutions. Research has focused primarily on the Polish emigration to France, and on the Polish point of view. However, it should be noted that the plan to establish a Polish Legion in Portugal was also an international affair. Therefore, valuable materials can also be found in France and Portugal. The preliminary archival research carried out in the Arquivo Histórico Militar in Lisbon brought to light very interesting documents concerning the negotiations between General Józef Bem and Don Pedro's representatives, and the circumstances surrounding the establishment of the French Volunteer Battalion of General Girolamo Ramorino, as well as materials concerning the fate of individuals who decided to come to Portugal in 1832 and 1833. At the end of the civil war, some of them stayed in Portugal permanently, as officers in the Portuguese Army.

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Tarkowska, E. (2024). Polish emigrants in Portugal after the failure of the November Uprising. What Collections on the Great Emigration can be found in the Arquivo Histórico Militar in Lisbon?. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 149–171.

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