Published: 2024-08-311

A collective portrait of students of the First High School in Szczecin in 1945–1951

Michał Wróbel
Echa Przeszłości


In this article, an attempt was made to develop a collective portrait of the students of the First High School in Szczecin in 1945-1951. The chosen chronological framework covers the period when Janina Szczerska was the headmistress of the school. Under very difficult external conditions, she managed not only to establish the first secondary school in post-war Szczecin almost from scratch, but also to transform it into an elite school. The educational institution under her leadership differed significantly from other high schools in Szczecin in terms of educational standards. Therefore, the author found it interesting to try to answer the question: who were the first students of the school? On the basis of preserved documents, school chronicles, and memoirs, the author analyzed such characteristics as the origin, war experiences, gender, age, religion, social status, and financial status of the first students.


First High School in Szczecin, history of Szczecin, education in Szczecin, Janina Szczerska

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Wróbel, M. (2024). A collective portrait of students of the First High School in Szczecin in 1945–1951. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 173–192.

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