Published: 2024-08-311

„He lived as a king, he died as a man”. Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki and his times 1669–1673, eds. Zbigniew Hundert, Paweł Tyszka, Publishing House of the Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum, Warszawa 2023, p. 444

Grzegorz Kietliński

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Kietliński, G. (2024). „He lived as a king, he died as a man”. Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki and his times 1669–1673, eds. Zbigniew Hundert, Paweł Tyszka, Publishing House of the Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum, Warszawa 2023, p. 444. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/1), 255–259. Retrieved from

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