Published: 2019-01-071

The contribution of minor castellans to the parliamentary process on the example of senators from the Polish regions of Wielkopolska, Kujawy and Mazowsze during the reign of Władysław IV Vasa

Marcin Broniarczyk
Echa Przeszłości


The article entitled “The contribution of minor castellans to the parliamentary process on the example of senators from the Polish regions of Wielkopolska, Kujawy and Mazowsze during the reign of Władysław IV Vasa” outlines the careers of several minor castellans who were politically active during the reign of the second Polish king from the House of Vasa. Minor castellans and their political activity generally attract less interest from historians. The article traces the political careers of selected minor castellans. The presented analysis indicates that this category of civil servants included active politicians and parliamentary activists who were popular among the nobility and whose work had been recognized already before they were promoted to the upper house of parliament. After promotion, many minor castellans were reputed to be conscientious officials who actively participated in parliamentary sessions without neglecting their duties at the local level.


Władysław IV, minor castellans, Sejm, Senate

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Broniarczyk, M. (2019). The contribution of minor castellans to the parliamentary process on the example of senators from the Polish regions of Wielkopolska, Kujawy and Mazowsze during the reign of Władysław IV Vasa. Echa Przeszłości, (XIX).

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