Published: 2019-03-081

Caution: How Not To Edit. On Editing: Helena née Wolska Krukowiecka. Journal 1831-1833. Selected and edited with commentary and introduction by Emilia Kolinko), Warszawa 2016: Wydawnictwo DiG, 711, indeksy, tab. genealogiczne, il.. ISBN 978-83-7181-964-3

Norbert Kasparek
Echa Przeszłości


The wife of Jan Krukowiecki, a Polish military general who was interned and exiled after the November Uprising, kept a journal in which she described her daily experiences in anticipation of her husband’s return. This unique account of historical events was turned into a publishing disaster with a multitude of mistakes in the glossary and endnotes. Through her negligence, the editor has rendered this excellent historical resource completely illegible.


November Uprising, Kingdom of Poland after 1831, Jan Krukowiecki, emigration, daily life

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Kasparek, N. (2019). Caution: How Not To Edit. On Editing: Helena née Wolska Krukowiecka. Journal 1831-1833. Selected and edited with commentary and introduction by Emilia Kolinko), Warszawa 2016: Wydawnictwo DiG, 711, indeksy, tab. genealogiczne, il. ISBN 978-83-7181-964-3. Echa Przeszłości, (XIX).

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