Published: 2019-12-151

Father Andrzej Zagórny and Father Wawrzyniec Stanisław Benik. From the annals of historical contacts between the Regions of Mazovia and Warmia in the modern era

Leszek Zygner
Echa Przeszłości


The regions of Mazovia and Warmia remained in close contact throughout modern history. Many nobles and dignitaries who were born in Mazovia and Warmia traveled to the neighboring region and settled there in pursuit of personal or professional prosperity. The article focuses on two Catholic priests who were connected to Mława, a town on the Mazovian-Prussian border. Mława was the birthplace of Father Andrzej Zagórny who lived and worked in Warmia and was buried in the Frombork Cathedral. Father Wawrzyniec Stanisław Benik of Saint Vincent de Paul’s Missionary Congregation, who was born in the Warmian town of Reszel, spent most of his life in Mazovia and was buried in Mława. Both priests occupy an important place in the history of the Catholic Church and played pivotal roles in the promotion of Polish culture and education.


Andrzej Zagórny, Wawrzyniec Stanisław Benik, history of the Catholic Church, Mazovia, Warmia

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Zygner, L. (2019). Father Andrzej Zagórny and Father Wawrzyniec Stanisław Benik. From the annals of historical contacts between the Regions of Mazovia and Warmia in the modern era. Echa Przeszłości, (XX/1).

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