Published: 2023-08-291

The influence of the decisions of the Synod of Zamość on the formation of the European mentality among Ukrainians and Byelorussians in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – historiography of the problem

Mykhailo Zhurba , Victor Dotsenko
Echa Przeszłości


The aim of the study was to analyze the historiography of the Greek Catholic Church before its reform, which was determined by the decisions of the Synod of Zamość in 1720 and unfolded against the background of aggravation of the geopolitical situation in Central and Eastern Europe. In scientific research, researchers rely on the main principles of historical science – objectivity and historicism.


Synod of Zamość, methodology, Uniate Church, historiography

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Zhurba, M., & Dotsenko, V. (2023). The influence of the decisions of the Synod of Zamość on the formation of the European mentality among Ukrainians and Byelorussians in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth – historiography of the problem. Echa Przeszłości, (XXIV/1), 89–106.

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