Published: 2023-08-291

A discourse on Copernicus’ nationality in the first half of the 19th century – a monographic article

Danuta Kasparek , Norbert Kasparek
Echa Przeszłości


History has a social dimension, which is why historians search for patterns in past events, and historical debates are often discussions about the present. Nicolaus Copernicus’ nationality stirred heated controversy for more than a century. The Polish-German discourse about Copernicus’ nationality was in fact a discussion about history. Dominik Szulc admitted that he felt compelled to study Prussia’s past because much harm had been done to “the scientific prowess of our country by including the Transformer of the Heavens among the geniuses of the Teutonic lineage”. Prominent Polish thinkers and writers joined the debate in defense of the famous astronomer’s Polish roots. Highly emotional arguments were exchanged during this stormy discourse.


ationality, opinion journalism, Polish-German relations, historiography

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Kasparek, D., & Kasparek, N. (2023). A discourse on Copernicus’ nationality in the first half of the 19th century – a monographic article. Echa Przeszłości, (XXIV/1), 122–134.

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