Published: 2024-12-251

Cyganie w Cyganku, czyli administracja państwowa wobec greckokatolickiej placówki duszpasterskiej w powiecie nowodworskim w województwie gdańskim w latach 1952–1956

Andrzej B. Krupa
Echa Przeszłości


In 1948, a priest of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, the Rev. Bazyli Hrynyk, arrived in the Diocese of Gdańsk. That same year he began to conduct services in Nowy Dwór Gdański in the Eastern rite for Ukrainians displaced by the "Wisła" action. In 1952 he settled in Cyganek, where he continued his pastoral work among Eastern Rite Catholics. In 1954, Rev. Hrynyk was arrested and sentenced to six years in prison. The uninhabited vicarage in Cyganek was handed over to the Roma by the authorities in 1955. Already in 1956, however, the Roma were removed from it by a decision of the prosecutor's office. After his release from prison, Rev. Hrynyk moved back into the vicarage that same year.

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Krupa, A. B. (2024). Cyganie w Cyganku, czyli administracja państwowa wobec greckokatolickiej placówki duszpasterskiej w powiecie nowodworskim w województwie gdańskim w latach 1952–1956. Echa Przeszłości, (XXV/2), 163–173.

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