Опубликовано: 2018-11-101

Paweł Tadeusz Czapski – szlachcic, kolekcjoner, miłośnik nauki. Szkic biograficzny

Mikołaj Tomaszewski
Echa Przeszłości


The article discusses the most important events in the life of Pawel Tadeusz Czapski of the Leliwa family clan. Czapski’s involvement in political, cultural and eco-nomic issues is presented in detail. Pawel Tadeusz Czapski was the son of Peater Jan Czapski, a Pomeranian governor, and Constance Gnińska. Czapski rose to fame as a collector and a political activist in Royal Prussia. His political career had never fo-urished on account of his parents’ affliation with Stanislaw Leszczyński. Czapski and his brother Thomas were embroiled in a long feud over the family’s assets. Hetman Jan Klemens Branicki exerted a signifcant infuence on Czapski’s life and work.

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Правила цитирования

Tomaszewski, M. (2018). Paweł Tadeusz Czapski – szlachcic, kolekcjoner, miłośnik nauki. Szkic biograficzny. Echa Przeszłości, (XVIII). https://doi.org/10.31648/ep.2068

