Opublikowane: 2018-09-141

Potrzeba metafizyki szacunku dla ludzi

Nikolaj Omielczenko
Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo
Dział: Artykuły


This paper deals with the human position in the contemporary world. The author starts from Milan Kundera’s description of status quo. Then he discusses such topics as ,,freedom is a factor of security”, “property and freedom”. In his opinion, freedom and security cannot be opposite each other. A reliable security should not be realized on account of human rights and freedom. He believes that freedom is an entelechy of human nature. The author compares a liberal idea “property is freedom” with an economic definition “wage is identical to private property.”

Also, he analyzes the novels The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks and Perfume by Patrick Suskind. According to his conclusion, both novels tell about the lack of love among people. Those books are so popular since only a few can love, but everyone wants to know what it means to love and to be beloved. The novels testify in their specific manner: personality disappears without loving, love makes the human to be human.

Then he argues that the final definitions of human beings are mistaken. The understanding of human as homo creans makes final judgments about them highly problematical. The sorts of final estimations are various. Besieds purely theoretical definitions, murder, suicide, death penalty, life imprisonment, euthanasia, war, genocide and other methods in the dispersion of humans can be counted among them. Such “categorical” actions are everyday practice of the contemporary world. By this, as a rule, an elegant speculative justification stands behind the rough physical violence. On the contrary, the author suggests a metaphysical argument against death penalty. In his opinion, the final verdicts on living humans are inadmissible.

Słowa kluczowe:

antropologia filozoficzna, wolność, prawa człowieka, miłość jako zasada heurystyczna

Zasady cytowania

Omielczenko, N. (2018). Potrzeba metafizyki szacunku dla ludzi. Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, (15), 177–194. https://doi.org/10.31648/hip.950

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