Published: 2018-10-071

Soloviev i Maritain – Thinkers of the Ethics

Patrick de Laubier
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Włodzimierz Sołowiow and Jacques Maritain are distinct representatives of twentieth-century christian philosophy. Both of them were mostly interested in moral right. What they have in common in their creation is the connection between philosophy and theology in a moral thought, which is better visible in Sołowiow’s philosophy. Simultaneously they tried to apply moral rules to socio-political life. Russian thinker tried to oppose rising influence of communism in Russia, whereas Maritain was constructing a vision of the integral humanism, which was made to connect modern democracy with Christian values.


moral right, social and political ethic, Christianity

Citation rules

de Laubier, P. (2018). Soloviev i Maritain – Thinkers of the Ethics. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (12), 65–77.

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