Published: 2018-10-081

Antireductive Picture of a Human Being in Jürgen Habermas

Józef Kożuchowski


In a modern discussion about, J. Habermas's voice seems to be especially important. As it is pointed out by Grmany philosophers (Robert Spaemann, Dieter Henrich, Berthold Wald, Jurgen Splett), nowadays because of exact sciences - neurosurgery and medicine, a reductive view on human being is becoming more and more popular. Since Habermas's work Die Zukunft der menlichen Natur came out (which is the basis of this article), it is known that Habermas presents himself as an opponent of the reductive point of view. But even before he was not the representative of such a position, since according to the theory of discourse, which developed with Aple, Habermas saw a typical feature of human being in ability to communicate (this eriterion did not refer to mentally ill people and unborn children). In other words - the most distinquished member of Frankfurtten School puts stress at the value of each person from the very beginning of the existence. Reductionism means lack of resper for unborn human beings, in embryonic phase. What is more, it accept gene manipulation - negative and positive eugenics and euthanasia. Habermas considers cloning and gene manipulations really dangerous. That is probably the reason he focuses on cloning in his work. This article will follow these problems then. Reductionism is against human dignity, it reduces person to material existence. By criticizing this view-point Habermas concerns about our culture, society and ourselves. Gene manipulations (in a way proposed by the liberal eugenics) may undermine the selfunderstanding of a man.


J. Habermas, antropologu, biothics, ethics, eugenics, dignity

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Kożuchowski, J. (2018). Antireductive Picture of a Human Being in Jürgen Habermas. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (11), 19–34. Retrieved from

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