Published: 2018-10-131

The Medical Communication and Ideological Conditions of Noise’s Conception

Paweł Kanturski


The article provides an attempt for critical view on certain notions of modern communication science. Idea of noise was situated in the center of the analysis, being examined autonomously (as a factor of comprehension as well as engineering of communication act) and in two contexts: ideological (relevant with social conditions of communication science and its languages) and pathological, predicating ways of interpretation of notions related to health and sickness. Conducted research verified and proved the hypothesis on insufficiency of categories applied in communication science, leading to conclusion that noise function is similar to myth, comprehended by Barthes. In author’s opinion principal source of that situation is uncritical adaptation of pragmatic categories from American science, which are contradictory to continental semiotic and structural tradition. The current paradigm of communication science, built mainly on conceptions of Shannon, seems to be insufficient in description of real interpersonal communication. Above considerations were conducted in a form of free essay. This thesis is not a study in the exact meaning, but it opens and systematizes fields for further detailed researches.


communication science, noise, pathology, ideology, information theory

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Kanturski, P. (2018). The Medical Communication and Ideological Conditions of Noise’s Conception. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (9), 17–35. Retrieved from

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