Published: 2018-10-131

Mediators in Folk Culture : Sacrum of Death and a Resurrection Game

Antolij Bakanurskij


The article is devoted to a problem of cultirology, which is scantily investigated mediator characters, whose peculiarity is their symbolic dying and resurrection in other capacity. They are shamans, buffoons and tricksters - profaned tweedledum and tweedledee of heroic characters. A gaming characters of their actions can be seen. It has definite ritual and sacral shade. The role of the costume, mask, inner reincarnation of the theatrical behavior of the heroes mentioned above and notional earmarking of their shift among the worlds are investigated.


mediator, shaman, tricksters, reincarnation, game, theatralization, mask

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Bakanurskij, A. (2018). Mediators in Folk Culture : Sacrum of Death and a Resurrection Game. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (9), 129–137. Retrieved from

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