Published: 2018-12-201

On the Concept of Ecological Solidarity. What Connects Animal Rights with the Rights of Human Beings?

Dorota Probucka
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: ARTICLES Ecology – justice – solidarity


The article consists of two parts. In the first one, I discuss the idea of ecological solidarity, which is interpreted by me as solidarity sensu largo resulting from the sense of belonging to a community of living and suffering beings. In the second part of the article I answer the question: what connects animal rights with the rights of human beings? In my opinion, if the European civilisation did not develop a category of solidarity, there would be no concept of human rights, and without the category of eco-solidarity there would be no concept of animal rights.


ethics, morality, community, solidarity, eco-solidarity, animal rights, human rights

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Probucka, D. (2018). On the Concept of Ecological Solidarity. What Connects Animal Rights with the Rights of Human Beings?. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (24), 39–47.

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