Published: 2018-12-201

Armenian Apostolic Church and Spiritual Values of Two Generations in the Modern Armenian Societ

Gohar Sergeyi Mkoyan
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: ARTICLES Faith – religion – church


This article discusses the level of preservation of religious beliefs in modern Armenian society. The Church is carrying out targeted activities to increase its ranks, which it could not do during the Soviet era. The Armenians have always maintained their faith without the mediation of the church.

This article examines the role of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the formation of moral and spiritual values in our society between two generations.

The government used to take care of all social groups and created conditions enabling  Armenian society to function within its country, to develop their culture and values, and to refrain from other ideas and values.


Armenian Apostolic Church, faith, Christianity, generation, value

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Mkoyan, G. S. (2018). Armenian Apostolic Church and Spiritual Values of Two Generations in the Modern Armenian Societ. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (24), 335–345.

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