Published: 2018-12-211

Methods of Customer Acquisition and Retention Using the New Media

Wojciech Muszyński , Szymon Muszyński
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: articles


This article presents methods of customer acquisition and activities focused on customer retention using contemporary technologies and new media. It demonstrates that customer relationship management is a broad notion due to the diversity of situations in which clients contact an enterprise. It also indicates that technological changes - especially the dynamic spread of the Internet – are changing companies' customer service standards more widely and rapidly than ever before. According to the Pareto Principle, it is emphasized that customer retention is more important than customer acquisition. The article consists of 4 sections. In the first one new methods of B2C communication are described. The second is an overview of marketing activities that may improve factors of customer acquisition and retention. The third illustrates key concepts of CRM strategy and outlines the typical architecture of an IT system supporting this strategy. The fourth section justifies investments in customer retention.


CRM (customer relationship management), new media, customer acquisition, behavioral advertising, sales pipeline analysis, Internet of Things, new technologies in marketing

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Muszyński, W., & Muszyński, S. (2018). Methods of Customer Acquisition and Retention Using the New Media. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (24), 563–577.

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