Published: 2018-08-121

Publications in the History of Ancient Medicine in „Archives of the History and Philosophy of Medicine” between 1933 and 1938

Tomasz Dreikopel
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


The aim of this article is to direct the readers’ attention to the papers on the history of ancient medicine published in 1930s in “Archives of the History and Philosophy of Medicine” This line of research in the journal was initiated by its founder and longtime editor Adam Wrzosek (1875–1965), who at that time was a professor of history and philosophy of medicine at the University in Poznań. It was in the department which he was the head of where the first paper on Hippocrates’s outlook on medical ethics: Poglądy Hippokratesa na etykę lekarską (1933). Thanks to the efforts of Professor Wrzosek, who invited Professor Witold Klinger (1875–1962), a classical studies expert working at the same university, to cooperate, two fine translations of Hippocrates’s and Galen’s original texts were published in “Archiwum”. It should be stressed that the thematic scope of both the article and the source texts was closely connected with the need to enhance in the minds of the journal’s readers, who are mainly the adepts and alumni of medical studies, the ethos of a perfect doctor, an individual who is morally pure and uses his/her expertise taking account of the wellbeing of each patient.


history of ancient medicine, medical ethics in antiquity, Hippocrates, Corpus Hippocraticum, Galen

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Dreikopel, T. (2018). Publications in the History of Ancient Medicine in „Archives of the History and Philosophy of Medicine” between 1933 and 1938. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (23), 289–298.

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