Published: 2018-08-181

The Simulacra Bomb - Scene of Reality Hidden behind the Curtain of Simulation. Hyperreality Show

Tomasz Walczyk
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Technological progress and threats associated with it are the main topic o f Jean Baudrillard and Paul Virilio’s philosophical research. Their critical reflexions result in bold hypotheses concerning the phenomena of contemporary culture. The theory o f hyperreality and information bomb, categories o f simulation and speed are an original attempt to understand transformations o f the world. There is no doubt that technology changes its aspects and opens a lot o f new horizons. Inventions, such as the Internet, interactive media, virtual reality, hence an open access to information and communication, strongly affect human existence. Therefore, the question about a man’s place in the world dominated by technology seems to be justified.


postmodernism, hyperreality, simulation, information bomb, speed, technology, virtual reality

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Walczyk, T. (2018). The Simulacra Bomb - Scene of Reality Hidden behind the Curtain of Simulation. Hyperreality Show. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (21), 195–208.

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