Published: 2022-01-241

Telemedicine – the bioethical challenge of the 21st century

Anna Paprocka-Lipińska
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


Telemedicine is a relatively new phenomenon in health care, and its implementation generates many questions to which experts from various fields try to find an answer. There are no interdisciplinary scientific studies on the assessment of this new possibility in the context of the patient’s good. This article presents selected issues related to telemedicine, which are discussed in the literature. The author, being a practicing phisician, also draws attention to some practical aspects from the point of view of healthcare professional.


telemedicine, bioethics, medical professions, new technologies, healthcare

Citation rules

Paprocka-Lipińska, A. . (2022). Telemedicine – the bioethical challenge of the 21st century. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (27), 135–150.

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