Published: 2022-01-241

Gold hidden in the dark: Jungian concept of the shadow

Kamila Szyszka
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


This paper is a short introduction to the concept of the shadow, which is a crucial element of Jungian analytical psychology. Despite the fact that the shadow is often overlooked by people, it constitutes a part of every human psyche. The relation one has with his or her shadow significantly influences their life, which is shown in the paper. The state of this relation depends on the individual and can be corrected by introducing shadow work, partially described in the paper.


Jungian psychoanalysis, shadow, individuation process, psyche, unconscious, projections

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Szyszka, K. (2022). Gold hidden in the dark: Jungian concept of the shadow. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (27), 203–217.

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