Published: 2022-12-061

An introduction to the critical analysis of ancient Sumerian writing in the context of philosophical knowledge

Janusz Sytnik-Czetwertyński
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


This paper presents a brief critical analysis of selected writings from the Sumerian civilization in the context of philosophical knowledge. The article is divided into two parts. The first part refers to Sumerian reflection in the field of ethics, the second part – in the field of knowledge about the external world. Undoubtedly, the Sumerian reflection had only the formula of practical knowledge, but some of its fragments fit into the course of future philosophy


practical knowledge, pre-philosophical ethics, meaning of human existence, Sophia, Sumer

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Sytnik-Czetwertyński, J. (2022). An introduction to the critical analysis of ancient Sumerian writing in the context of philosophical knowledge. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (28), 197–211.

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