Published: 2018-09-131

Próba fenomenologicznego opisu bytu społecznego

Adam Karpiński
Humanities and Natural Sciences
Section: Articles


The article attempts to solve the following problem: how a being manifests itself in an individual, in a concrete thing which is not possible to define? Secondly, how to verify a definition? It is the problem o f truth. A method which may be applied here is to assimilate abstraction - moving from abstraction to concrete. This method was applied by Karl Marx. The author of the article tries to argue that the method does not lose its heuristic power even when it is applied for analysing the contemporary symbolic capitalism. Not applying this explanatory power of abstraction, intellectuals become ideologists who split the unity of what is real and what is ideal, and who valorise the latter element of the said unity. The world of their ideas has nothing to do with the social practice. Therefore, fetish, an unclear symbol, dominates it. In a society it constitutes a mysterious basis for creating hum an’s problems with himself. Hence understanding it and realistic, practical return of the place in the society which is due to it, will enable a return trip of a human to himself.


social being, ontic reality, unity of what is real and what is mental, human’s world, abstraction, alienation, goods, private ownership of means of production, culture, purposefulness of work, global capitalism, distribution of work, symbolism, roduction work nature agent, privatisation of symbolism, intellectuals, trip from abstraction to concrete, return of human to himself

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Karpiński, A. (2018). Próba fenomenologicznego opisu bytu społecznego. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (16), 117–133.

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