Published: 2018-09-191

Cognition – Valuation – Changing of the World

Mieczysław Michalik


The paper presents basic, following the author, aspects of the relation between man – wieved as the mankind and as an individual – and the world, its cognition, valuation and practical changing (creation, transformation). The above mentioned relation is treated as a fundamental and universal problem of philosophy, anthropology and ethics. The notion: ‘man’s world’ includes, according to the author, natural world (external and internal, human), social world (history, social institutions), each individual perceived as a separate world, internal, spiritual world of man, and non-human world of the Absolute. The question of the relation between man and these beings is set against such a complex background (each of the described ‘worlds’ is internally differentiated).

The text also presents a characteristic and criticism of the concepts where cognition, valuation and chanching of the world are contrasted with one another, and where one of these forms of the relation, between man and the world is wieved as superior, while the magnificence of the other two is  diminished or questioned. Their organic unity is emphasized, and values and valuation are perceived as a kind of platform between world cognition and activities aimed its changing and giving it a desirable shape.

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Citation rules

Michalik, M. (2018). Cognition – Valuation – Changing of the World. Humanities and Natural Sciences, (2), 21–34. Retrieved from

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