Publicado: 2018-10-291

Unamuno sobre el hombre. Naturaleza y cultura en la vida tragica

Luis Jimenez Moreno


The article discusses some of M. de Unamuno (1864-1936) anthropological ideas constituting the center of his “tragic philosophy”. In these considerations the prominence has been given to the issue of a relationship between natural and cultural factors in human life. The relations have been expressed in a few aspects: as a relationship between individual ambitions of a man (“ambitions of a man, flesh and blood, who is born, suffers and dies – first of all dies”) and the truths of universal mind; between a man as a rational animal and a man as an emotional animal. As a worth considering literary expression of these issues, the author presents a novel – Love and Pedagogy by M. de Unamuno.

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Normas de citación

Moreno, L. J. (2018). Unamuno sobre el hombre. Naturaleza y cultura en la vida tragica. Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, (5), 297–306. Recuperado a partir de



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