Publicado: 2018-09-041

Современная политическая риторика: игнорирование смыслов как стремление властвовать

Walentyn N. Wandyszew
Humanistyka i Przyrodoznawstwo
Sección: Artículos


Political rhetoric as a means of influencing the masses lies at the core of practically every political organization, regardless of the assigned tasks. The situation today shows the contradictions in the world, manifested in mass protest actions. The reason for confrontation - an enormous inequality in the distribution of resources and financial capacity among humans. Against excessive wealth alarming is the situation of many hundreds of millions of poor people. Hence, political rhetoric peculiarities, which are characteristic for apologists dominant power in countries with different political regimes. Particularly clearly visible are the rhetoric of political players during the election campaign. Emphasis on something they do not explicitly paramount, but opportunistic. Criticism do not avoid of political power, in its entirety, but in their speeches is no question of reforming corporate banking authorities, the abolition of the state monopoly on the collection of taxes, bank secrecy, providing survivability corruption. If talking about constitutional reform legislation in the distant future. Do not talk about the need to create a new system of social infrastructure of society. Topics are closed conceptual power, whose representatives in quiet offices create new ideas and meanings, new brands, make recommendations political and banking and economic power, are at the origin of the adoption of new regulations form the “idols of the theater”. Did not cause the speakers authorities reluctantly speak about the power of information and communication, its hosts and ideology. On the background of the existing problems and omissions of material becomes more acute need for a new much more open world, the basic ideas and meanings which germinate in the minds of the thinking part of mankind. But while this rhetoric, as a mass phenomenon, not yet.

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Normas de citación

Wandyszew, W. N. (2018). Современная политическая риторика: игнорирование смыслов как стремление властвовать. Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo, (20), 385–395.



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