Do we have a Senate fit for our times, or expectations for the political role of the Senate of Poland and contemporary reality

Marcin Dziadkiewicz

University of Warsaw

Bartosz Fiłoc

University of Warsaw


The Senate, as the second chamber of parliament, has been an important element of the Polish system for centuries. In many European countries, the bicameral parliament is an accepted legal standard which still exists today. In Poland, after an absence of nearly forty years due to political transformation, the Senate reappeared in 1989. The topic concerning the existence and function of the Senate has been present in public discourse for years, raising numerous disputes.

The aim of this paper is to answer the question of what role the Senate plays and whether it should be analogous to the one assigned to it during the systemic transformation. The authors analysed the statements of politicians holding various offices over the past 30 years and cited examples from the practice of the Senate's functioning. Additionally, statements by doctrine representatives evaluating the functioning of the Upper House and the legitimacy of maintaining bicameralism in the Polish Parliament were presented. The above made it possible to compare the expectations of those present when this constitutional organ was reintroduced into the legal system in the 1990s with the actual role played by the Senate today. The authors presented arguments for and against the advisability of retaining the second chamber of parliament. In their conclusions, they found that the scope of competences and the constitutional position of the Senate are largely variable over time and are derived from the political situation. The Senate can act as a counterbalance to the other branches of government, but in practice it is not a key element of the system.


the Senate, Constitution of the Republic of Poland, bicameralism, liquidation of the Senate, model of the parliamentary system

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Cited by

Dziadkiewicz, M., & Fiłoc, B. (2024). Do we have a Senate fit for our times, or expectations for the political role of the Senate of Poland and contemporary reality. Kortowski Przegląd Prawniczy, (1).

Marcin Dziadkiewicz 
University of Warsaw
Bartosz Fiłoc 
University of Warsaw