We are currently considering papers for publication - according to the order in which the texts were submitted on the platform - for the next two annuals MCSC, to be published in 2025 and 2026.
The process of reviewing and qualifying for publication takes approximately six months.
Text length and format
The text should not exceed the length of 40,000 characters (spaces and bibliography included), reviews and reports up to 20,000. The submission file format: doc, docx; font: Times New Roman 12; line spacing 1.5; use of footnotes should be kept to a minimum (Arabic numerals, Times New Roman 10, spacing 1).
If the text contains photos, figures, or graphs, please send the originals in a separate file in the best possible resolution. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to print illustrations that he does not own. Text formatting should be kept to a minimum.
Additional data:
- First name and surname
- Research funder (grant number)
- Biographical note: academic degree and title, affiliation, contact details (e-mail, telephone, postal address)
- Title of the paper
- Abstract including: aim, methods, results and conclusion (up to 1200 characters including spaces)
- List of 5-6 key words
- Bibliography
The submission includes three files:
1) text of the article (title, abstract, keywords, bibliography) without the author's data;
2) brief bio of the author and abovementioned personal data;
3) a scan of the signed author's statement (downloadable at the bottom of this page).
The preferred structure of the article: IMRaD – Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
Citations, notes and bibliography should be prepared in the style, see below:
Book by one author:
John Fiske (2010, p. 15) claims that „Exocorporation is the process by which the subordinate make their own culture out of the resources and commodities provided by the dominant system…”.
„Exocorporation is the process by which the subordinate make their own culture out of the resources and commodities provided by the dominant system” (Fiske, 2010, p. 15).
Book by two authors:
„The computer game is also a useful site through which to examine another key quality ascribed to new media in general – the destabilizing Shift in relations between consumption and production of media texts ” (Dovey and Kennedy, 2011, p. 13).
Book by multiple authors:
„Analysis of the impact of information and communication technlogies (ICTs) on everyday life has shown that communities are formed not only in geographically defined spacer, but also in cyberspace ” (Bailey et al., 2012, p. 9).
References taken from different sources, but with the same authorship and year of publication, can be distinguished from one another by inserting a lower case letter after the year inside the brackets:
„Quotation, quotation, quotation, quotation, quotation, quotation” (Levinson, 2006a, p. 124).
„Quotation, quotation, quotation, quotation, quotation, quotation” (Levinson, 2006b, p. 195).
A bibliography is a detailed, completed list of all cited resources, used to create the article. Bibliography should be arranged alphabetically by authors and must appear after the text. This is demonstrated in the examples below.
For books
Surname, Name (Year). Title of publication. City of publication: Name of publisher.
Lipschultz, Jeremy Harris (2020). Social Media Communication. Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics. 3rd Ed. Routledge.
If the source is translated edition, use word Transl. after the title of publication and then write name and surname of translator.
Surname, Name (Year). Title of publication. Transl. Name and surname of translator. City of publication: Name of publisher.
Festinger, Leon (2007). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Transl. Julitta Rydlewska. Warszawa: PWN.
For chapters
Surname, Name (Year). Chapter’s title. In: Surname, name of editor (ed.). Title of book.City of publication: Name of publisher, pages from – to.
Gorman, Gary E. and Pauleen, David J. (2011). The nature and value of Personal Knowledge Management. In: Pauleen, David J. and Gorman Gary E. (ed.) Personal Knowledge Management: individual, organizational and social perspectives. Farnham: Gower Publishing Limited, 1-16.
For encyclopedias and dictionaries
Surname, Name of editor (ed.) (Year). Title of the encyklopedia or dictionary. City of publication: Name of publisher.
Polański, Kazimierz (red.) (1999). Encyklopedia językoznawstwa ogólnego. Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków: Osslineum.
For journal articles
Surname, Name (Year). Title of the atricle. Title of the paper, issue or part number (volume), pages from – to.
Nicholas, David; Watkinson, Anthony; Abrizah, Abdullah; Rodríguez Bravo, Blanca; Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Cherifa; Xu, Jie; Świgoń, Marzena and Herman, Eti (2020). Does the scholarly communication system satisfy the beliefs and aspirations of new researchers? Summarizing the Harbingers research. Learned Publishing, 33(2), 132-141.
For newspaper articles
Surname, Name (Year). Title of the article. Title of the magazine, data, issue number, pages from – to.
Nicholas, David; Herman, Eti; Boukacem-Zeghmouri, Chérifa; Rodríguez-Bravo, Blanca; Xu, Jie; Abdullah, Abrizah and Świgoń, Marzena (2017). ResearchGate was a disruptor… now it’s becoming a mainstay. Research Fortnight, 1 November 2017, 20-20.
For Web sites and other electronic sources
Surname, Name (Year). Title of publication, [online]. Web site title. date, Access: hyperlink [date of the access].
Nicholas David (2018). Early-career researchers herald change, [online]. Nature Index, 25 July 2018, Access: https://www.natureindex.com/news-blog/early-career-researchers-herald-change [29.03.2021].
If the online publication has no title, then the title is made up of the first two, three, four or more words forming a semantically coherent content.
- The journal provides instant and free access to all published texts.
- All texts published on the journal's website are made available under Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND: Attribution - Non-commercial use - No derivative works 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.pl).
- The journal does not charge any fees from authors of texts.
- The author signs a statement according to which he transfers the rights to the work to the Publisher, who will make the work available under Creative Commons free license CC-BY-NC-ND: Attribution - Non-commercial use - No derivative works 4.0.
The editorial office encourages the authors to make the article in the final version published on the journal's website available in open repositories and scientific profiles with the correct identification of authorship, source, license and DOI number of the publication.
Statement [download]