The submitted paper is initially assessed by the editors, they assess whether a given text matches the academic profile of the journal and fulfills basic requirements for scientific papers as well as the requirements for MKKS authors.
Every paper is reviewed by two appointed independent reviewers according to the double blind peer review procedure; reviewers do not know whose article they assess, and authors do not know who assesses their article. Reviewers are selected from a different institution to the author of the paper. The reviewers confirm that there are no conflicts of interest with the authors.
Papers evaluated by reviewers are anonymized, i.e., they do not have author identification data. In addition, the editors ensure that there is no conflict of interest in the selection of reviewers in accordance with the National Science Centre's criteria for research integrity and efforts to obtain research funding. These rules also apply to members of the journal's editorial board and scientific advisory board who publish in the journal.
When preparing a review, the reviewer completes a review e-form on the UWM journals platform (the questions the reviewer answers are listed at the end of this section).
The editors publish a list of reviewers once a year.
The submitted text is accepted for publication when its author introduced the suggested (by reviewers and editors) corrections, changes or additions.
The review form includes the following questions: