Scholarly communication according to young Polish scientists based on a 2019 international survey

Marzena Świgoń

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

David Nicholas


This article discusses the results of an international study on scholarly communication conducted in 2019 among early career researchers. Special attention was paid to Polish respondents, however, the limited space in the collective articles crowning the international Harbingers project and published in the international journals did not allow for including the input. Polish researchers of the millennial generation, like their foreign peers from France, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Malaysia, China and Russia, have the potential to change scholarly communication, mainly through extensive use of social media and involvement in the open access and open science movements. However, systemic factors, both in Poland and in other countries, are significantly limiting.


scholarly communication, young researchers, early career researchers, social media, altmetrics, publishing

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Cited by

Świgoń, M., & Nicholas, D. (2021). Scholarly communication according to young Polish scientists based on a 2019 international survey. Media - Culture - Social Communication, (17).

Marzena Świgoń 
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
David Nicholas