Demographic Determinants of Potential Labour Force Substitution in Poland and Europe

Jerzy Kowaleski

Unit of Demography and Social Gerontology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz

Anna Majdzińska

Unit of Demography and Social Gerontology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz


This article presents the levels of the potential labour force in European countries resulting from the inflow of young cohorts into the age group 15+ and the outflow of people aged 65 years and older from the labour market. The purpose of the analysis is to assess the replacement of the present and future potential labour force in European countries, particularly in Poland. This study is at the level of voivodeships and poviats.


potential labour force, working-age subpopulation, changes in the population age structure, population aging process

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Cited by

Kowaleski, J., & Majdzińska, A. (2017). Demographic Determinants of Potential Labour Force Substitution in Poland and Europe. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 12(2), 163–179.

Jerzy Kowaleski 
Unit of Demography and Social Gerontology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz
Anna Majdzińska 
Unit of Demography and Social Gerontology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz


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