Social and Population-Related Determinants in the Development of Small Towns in Poland

Anna Janiszewska

Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz

Ewa Klima

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology


The demographic changes that have been occurring in Poland for several decades concern all cities and towns, including those with the lowest population number – up to 20 thousand inhabitants. The article proposes a quantitative analysis of selected phenomena related to population and society in small Polish towns. The two most crucial demographic issues of Polish urban units, depopulation and population ageing, were analysed with the use of simple typological methods. The analysis was conducted on the basis of available statistical data. Additionally, a spatial perspective on the issue was presented.

Mots-clés :

small towns, demographic changes, total population growth, population ageing

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Janiszewska, A., & Klima, E. (2019). Social and Population-Related Determinants in the Development of Small Towns in Poland. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 14(1), 27–46.

Anna Janiszewska 
Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz
Ewa Klima 
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology


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