Published: 2018-09-301

How to get out of the ghetto? Searching for the new ways of examination of the Old Polish literature

Iwona Maciejewska


The paper presents discussion, which has been proceeding recently, on methods used in examination of Old Polish literature referring to two present standpoints. Beside traditional view, which favours philological methods focusing on setting a work in the context and taking into consideration knowledge on historical poetics, there is thesis, which gives possibility of interpreting old works by means of contemporary methodology, which allows for theoretical conceptions born in the 20th century. The author postulates for searching for compromise between these assumptions and resigning from orthodox standpoints provided that chosen methodology gives chances for new interpretation of Old Polish works, which unfortunately become less and less attractive for contemporary readers and researchers.


Old Polish literature, metodology, polemics

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Maciejewska, I. (2018). How to get out of the ghetto? Searching for the new ways of examination of the Old Polish literature. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (1). Retrieved from

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