Veröffentlicht am: 2018-09-291

Wątki psychoanalityczne w prozie polskiej po 1989 roku. Próba rekonesansu

Marek Lubański


The Polish literature of 1945-1989 - compared to many countries of Europe and America - is characterised by relatively poor use of inspirations arising from the psychoanalytical tradition. After 1989, this situation was partially changed. Devoting a monographic, double issue of "Teksty Drugie" ("Second Texts") to the phenomenon of the Return of psychoanalysis - which was its illustrative subtitle - may be regarded as extremely characteristic for the reception of the idea of Sigmund Freud in new Polish political and cultural reality. In the presented article, several prose texts written in the 1990s (by, among others, Olga Tokarczuk,Małgorzata Saramonowicz or Joanna Bator) were analysed, in which we observe rather clear references to many theses of the author of Introduction to psychoanalysis and his successors. Some of the literary works were interpreted in the context of intersexuality. Frequent - more or less explicit - references to various works of Freud (and of his successors, continuators, revisionists or polemicists) some times take on the character of inter-textual references, with which the analysed prose seems to match the literary trend which was distinctive for the Polish output of the 1990s.

Dateien herunterladen


Lubański, M. (2018). Wątki psychoanalityczne w prozie polskiej po 1989 roku. Próba rekonesansu. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (4). Abgerufen von

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