Veröffentlicht am: 2018-09-301

Uwspółcześnianie tradycji. Przykład Rewizora Jana Klaty

Kamila Bialik


The article is devoted to the spectacle Comptroller by the drama of Nicholas Gogol. Stage premiere took place in The Jerzy Szaniawski Theatre in Wałbrzych in 2003, and then was realized in the Theater Television in 2005. The author describes the spectacle and are analyzes them. Indicates the ways of the Director, how to show the classic drama on the contemporary scene. Evaluates the function of the modern costume, what Director applied in production and describes the dialog with the tradition of theatre and the tradition of television.

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Bialik, K. (2018). Uwspółcześnianie tradycji. Przykład Rewizora Jana Klaty. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (1). Abgerufen von

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