Veröffentlicht am: 2018-08-021

Ofiara czy terrorysta? Przypadek Herschela Grynszpana w wybranych relacjach prasowych z listopada 1938 roku

Katarzyna Christianus-Gileta


This paper is concerned with the “trans-localism” in Jewish press releases all over the world in November 1938, which appeared as a result of the assassination of Ernst vom Rath (the third secretary of the German Embassy in France), carried out in Paris by the young Jewish immigrant from Germany – Herschel Grynszpan – in revenge for the mass displacement of Ostjuden from Germany to Poland, which also affected his family. This article also shows local differences in reactions to this crime in non-Jewish press; they were based not only on localization but also on the political bias of a certain publication. The press releases created after the Grynszpan’s assault are examples of constructing memory based on a written word – for some Herschel Grynszpan was a victim of Nazi repressions against Jews in Germany, for others he was a tool for “the conspiracy of the world Jewry”.

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Christianus-Gileta, K. (2018). Ofiara czy terrorysta? Przypadek Herschela Grynszpana w wybranych relacjach prasowych z listopada 1938 roku. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (5). Abgerufen von

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