Veröffentlicht am: 2018-12-301

Męski głos niewieści. Z dzienniczka kobiety Wincentego Kosiakiewicza

Izabela Sobczak


The purpose of the article Feminine Voice of Men. Wincenty Kosiakiewicz’s “Z dzienniczka
kobiety” [From the Diary of a Woman] is to examine how the male author imitates the woman’s
personal diary. The analysis and interpretation of Z dzienniczka kobiety illustrate the problem
of creating female figures and imitating the femininity of their writing by the authors at the turn
of the centuries. Gabriela Zapolska’s Z pamiętników młodej mężatki [From the Diaries of a Young
Married Woman], used as a counterpoint, allows for gaining a broader, two-sex perspective on the issue
of femininity of writing and for presenting the differences between the manners in which women’s
personal diaries are stylized by male and female authors. This paper seeks to answer the question
about the reasons and consequences of adopting a female perspective in the text.

Dateien herunterladen


Sobczak, I. (2018). Męski głos niewieści. Z dzienniczka kobiety Wincentego Kosiakiewicza. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (6). Abgerufen von

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