Veröffentlicht am: 2020-02-071

Czego współczesny licealista dowie się o patriotyzmie z lektur „ogwiazdkowanych”?

Wiesława Zielińska
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Rubrik: Universalien


This article discusses the notion of patriotism as an important theme of secondary school obligatory
reading. It highlights the difficulties related to familiarizing students with the crucial part
of the curriculum content. The authoress indentifies the sources of these difficulties and emphasises
that it is extremely important in school practice to treat reading as an active mental process. She
points out that, by relating to contexts, it leads to shaping a critical attitude in the reception of obligatory

Dateien herunterladen


Zielińska, W. (2020). Czego współczesny licealista dowie się o patriotyzmie z lektur „ogwiazdkowanych”?. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (7), 29–38.

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