--> Submissions | Prace Literaturoznawcze


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The annual journal publishes articles devoted to research into Polish and foreign literature in various contexts: historical and theoretical-literary, comparative, cultural, as well as anthropological, being part of the modern literary and theatrical critique, participating in discussions on earlier or modern literary culture, literature of the Warmia and Mazury region, popular literature, as well as reviews, reports and other texts written in Polish or a selected congress language: English, Russian, German, French.

    The editing board accepts only original, unpublished articles, being in line with the ethical and editorial guidelines, until the end of each year (i.e. until 31 December) preceding the periodical publication.

    The authors of articles, reviews, and reports are requested to follow the following rules when preparing a text:

        - The author registers on the UWM website, entering his/her data: https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pl/user/register

        - he/she uploads the text in accordance with further guidelines, starting with the “new submission” box,

        - he/she enters the metadata,

        - he/she approves the article.

An article can also be sent to praceliteraturoznawcze@uwm.edu.pl

The author should provide his/her affiliation, ORCID number and a contact e-mail address.


The title should be formulated in a clear and understandable manner; metaphorical phrases can be placed in the second part of the title or in the subtitle.

A text (a scientific article or a review) should be accompanied by a translation of the title in English and keywords (3–5), as well as an abstract in Polish and in English:

The keywords should concern the issues dealt with in the article and should be recognisable in the English language, i.e. they should not contain metaphors or phrases understandable only in the Polish language,

An abstract (up to approx. 250 characters) should be formulated in a communicative manner, using the keywords, conveying the sense of the article in a clear manner, the research methods and justifying the thesis,

        words and phrases of foreign origin are provided in the original form,

        the maximum size of the article is ten pages,

        text editor: Word, font: Times New Roman,

        font size 12, interline spacing 1.5, paragraph 0,7,

        margins: upper and lower 2.5 cm, left 3.5 cm, right 2.5,

        a hyphen (-) is used only in combinations such as black-white, whereas an en dash – as a dash and separator of page numbers (–),

        the quotation mark “…” is used to give titles of periodicals and quotations if they are not highlighted with a different font size; an angle bracket »… « is used to mark an inner quotation mark (a quotation within a quotation),

        quotations longer than three lines are given as a separate paragraph, with a 10 pts font, with a left indent, shorter quotations are embedded in the text, separating them with a quotation mark from the main text,

        left out fragments are marked with three dots in square brackets [...]; such brackets are used for all author’s comments,

        Italics are used for:

            titles of articles, books, their parts (chapters),

            concepts and terms that are being defined or discussed,

            words and phrases of foreign origin in the original form,

        If there are signs and special symbols in the text, tables or figures, a PDF version should be attached; sources should be provided for all photographs, drawings, diagrams and graphs. Please do not include any illustrations to which you do not hold a copyright or for which you are not certain that they are shared with consent for their public use.


    The Harvard style is used in the bibliography.

Footnote types:

  1. Descriptive footnotes are placed on each page under the main text; they are written with font size 10, inserted automatically with “insert footnote” without an additional space, with continuous numbering within the whole article,
  2. Bibliographic footnotes (Inner) should contain the author’s name / articles title, edited by and the year of publication, and, after a colon: page/pages/online, e.g. (Głowiński 1988: 11; 1990: 127), (Uniwersalny słownik… 2003, t. 3: 88), (Granops online), (Hoesick 1925, online),

        The bibliography is put at the end of the article:

  1. For books: name and surname and year of publication in brackets, book title, name of the publishing house, place of publication, e.g. Śliwiński Piotr (2012), Horror poeticus, Biuro Literackie, Wrocław.
  2. For publications with an editor: title and year of publication, the abbreviation “ed.”, the first letter of the name and the surname of the editor, name of the publishing house, e.g. Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego (2003), ed. S. Dubisz, vol. 1–4, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
  3. For articles in a joint publication: name and surname, and the year of publication in brackets, the title of the article after “in:” title of a joint publication, the first letter and the surname of the editor(s), name of the publishing house, place of publication, pages after the colon, e.g. Radziszewska Maria (2016), Konstruowanie tożsamości nauczycielek w okresie PRL na Warmii, in: Tożsamość kobiet w Polsce. Interpretacje. V. 2, ed by Joanna Chłosta-Zielonka, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn: 115–128.
  4. For articles in periodicals: name and surname and the year of publication in brackets, the title of the article, name of the periodical in quotation marks, number/volume, pages after the colon, e.g. Wyrobisz Andrzej (1992), Staropolskie wzorce rodziny i kobiety, “Przegląd Historyczny”, vol. 3: 405–421.
  5. For internet publications: the electronic address in square brackets is followed by the date of access as in [access: 28.11.2018], e.g. Granops Katarzyna, Wanda Karczewska, in: Wielkopolski Słownik Pisarek, https://pisarki.fandom.com/wiki/Wanda_Karczewska [access: 11.12.2018]. Hoesick Ferdynand (1925), Warszawa w pierwszym roku wojny, “Kurier Warszawski”, No. 193, http://ebuw.uw.edu.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=207243&dirds=1&tab=3 [access: 6.01.2019].

        The bibliographic items should be provided in alphabetical order, according to the authors’ names or joint publication titles; if there are several publications by one author, older ones are mentioned first, followed by newer ones.

    Circulation of all documents (articles, reviews, communiques, statements) associated with publication in “Prace Literaturoznawcze” takes place in an electronic route.

    A declaration of copyright should be filled in and sent as a scan to praceliteraturoznawcze@uwm.edu.pl

Author’s declaration

Guidelines for the author

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