Opublikowane: 2018-12-301

Kobiece reportaże wojenne o charakterze autobiograficznym – Kruchy lód. Dziennikarze na wojnie Anny Wojtachy oraz Inny front Miłady Jędrysik

Paulina Kicińska


This article focuses on the special status of women’s autobiographical reportages in which
the creator-participant creates her own autobiographical space in relation to the already established
places of memory, which are internalized and presented as her own. On the example of wartime
reportages Kruchy lód. Dziennikarze na wojnie [Thin Ice. Journalists in Wartime] by Anna Wojtacha
and Inny front [Different Front] by Miłada Jędrysik, I would like to present what the choice
of autobiographical places can tell us about the subject, what is exposed by the structure of the story
and how the category of corporeality influences the understanding of this genre.

Słowa kluczowe:

reportaż wojenny, pamięć, cielesność, autobiografizm

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Kicińska, P. (2018). Kobiece reportaże wojenne o charakterze autobiograficznym – Kruchy lód. Dziennikarze na wojnie Anny Wojtachy oraz Inny front Miłady Jędrysik. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (6). Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pl/article/view/2671

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