Opublikowane: 2020-12-011

Postpamięć Zagłady we współczesnych badaniach

Justyna Wierzbicka
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Dział: Badania nad postpamięcią


This paper describes the Holocaust in modern research. The principal works in the context
of heritage trauma were penned by Barbara Engelking (Holocaust and Memory: The Experience of the Holocaust and Its Consequences: An Investigation Based on Personal Narratives) and Marianne Hirsh (Żałoba i postpamięć [Mourning and Postmemory]). Their analyses show how different were the attitudes taken by people who survived the Holocaust. I have completed my work with other research, focusing on the literature discussing psychological and political aspects. The aim was to show the diversity of the effects produced by the Holocaust and its unfading resonance in various areas of life.

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Wierzbicka, J. (2020). Postpamięć Zagłady we współczesnych badaniach. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (8), 229–243. https://doi.org/10.31648/10.31648/pl.5667

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