Opublikowane: 2021-09-291

Wpływy chrześcijaństwa w kontekście Zagłady w rozważaniach Henryka Grynberga

Alicja Balcerzak
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Dział: Interpretacje


The aim of this paper is to study Grynberg’s attempt to understand the attitude of Christians towards the Shoah catastrophe. It is a reflection on theodicy, on the Jew as the one who “killed Christ” and, at the same time, on the entire Jewish nation and its sacrifice comparable to Christ’s sacrifice. This essay discusses Henryk Grynberg’s view on the matter of divine intervention and, in conclusion, his career path of a writer is summarized. It also refers to other texts in an attempt to compare the approaches to this topic adopted in essays, poetry and novels. Grynberg’s works do not constitute a closed chapter; they provide ground for further discussions and commentaries. He writes and simultaneously explains his actions. His poetry complements his prose, and his essays present a theoretical approach to the main theme. He gives a specific literary model of the survivor.

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Balcerzak, A. (2021). Wpływy chrześcijaństwa w kontekście Zagłady w rozważaniach Henryka Grynberga. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (9). https://doi.org/10.31648/pl.6981

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