Opublikowane: 2023-08-051

"Niesamowity dwór" Zbigniewa Nienackiego − między zagadką a tajemnicą

Beata Mytych-Forajter
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Dział: Artykuły


The article by Beata Mytych-Forajter Niesamowity dwór by Zbigniew Nienacki – between a riddle and a mystery, is a proposal for reading one of the novels from the series about Pan Samochodzik (Mr. Automobile). The subject of interest became the unsolvable dilemma between the construction of a detective novel, operating a convention consisting of clues, riddles, false and true clues, and
higher-order mysteries, such as the afterlife, the possibility of contact with the dead, the spiritual dimension
of the world. As a result of the analysis, it turns out that Nienacki’s novel, despite its strong connection with the convention of detective fiction, also leaves the reader with a considerable amount of unsolvable mystery situated close to the psychoanalytic way of thinking about the human psyche.

Słowa kluczowe:

zagadka, tajemnica, niesamowite, masoneria

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Zasady cytowania

Mytych-Forajter, B. (2023). "Niesamowity dwór" Zbigniewa Nienackiego − między zagadką a tajemnicą. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (11), 273–285. https://doi.org/10.31648/pl.9092

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