Psychosexual therapy in an interdisciplinary approach. CASE STUDY: patient with anxiety disorders and excessive tension of the pelvic floor muscles

Marta Rawińska

Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie

Małgorzata Starzec-Proserpio

Zakład Położnictwa, Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Warszawie


Objective: The aim of this article is to present the methods of working with a patient in psychosexual therapy in an interdisciplinary approach.
Method: The most important elements of the diagnostic interview and work techniques based on the latest knowledge in the field of CBT approach and physiotherapy are presented. In addition, the patient remained under the care of other specialists: a psychiatrist and an endocrinologist.

Results: The patient managed to achieve some of the goals set together with the therapist. An additional benefit turned out to be a full medical diagnosis of the patient and her treatment for hormonal disorders.

Conclusions: Interdisciplinary work with the patient brought measurable results. This kind of cooperation of many specialists in the treatment of patients reporting emotional, mental and sexual difficulties gives the best results. This indicates the value of teamwork and the need for cooperation of specialists in various fields.


cbt, Urogynecological physiotherapy, interdisciplinarity, anxiety disorders, pain disorders

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Cited by

Rawińska, M., & Starzec-Proserpio, M. (2022). Psychosexual therapy in an interdisciplinary approach. CASE STUDY: patient with anxiety disorders and excessive tension of the pelvic floor muscles. The Review of Psychology, 65(2), 41–53.

Marta Rawińska 
Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie
Małgorzata Starzec-Proserpio 
Zakład Położnictwa, Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Warszawie